Politikas dokumenti

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Šajā sadaļā apkopoti karjeras attīstības atbalsta politikas dokumenti.

Table of contents


Šajā sadaļā apkopoti Latvijas Republikas politikas dokumenti par karjeras attīstības atbalstu.

1.1. 06.12.2001. LR likums "Par Eiropas Sociālo hartu" ("LV", 183 (2570), 18.12.2001.) [stājas spēkā 18.12.2001.]

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1.2. 29.03.2006. LR Ministru Kabineta Rīkojums Nr.214 (prot. Nr.16 32.§) Par koncepciju "Karjeras attīstības atbalsta sistēmas pilnveidošana"

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Šajā sadaļā apkopoti ārvalstu karjeras atbalsta politikas dokumenti.

2.1. Commission proposal for a Council Recommendation on Micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability (2021)

Proposal for a COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on a European approach to micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability {SWD(2021) 367 final}

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2.2. Council Conclusions on a Strategic framework for European coopearation in education and training ("ET 2020")

Council Conclusions on a Strategic framework for European coopearation in education and training ("ET 2020"). Council of the European Union: 294th EDUCATION, YOUTH AND CULTURE Council meeting Brussels, 21 May 2009. 13 p

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2.3. Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies. Council of the European Union: 2905th EDUCATION, YOUTH AND CULTURE Council meeting. Brussels, 21 November 2008. 7 p.

Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies. Council of the European Union: 2905th EDUCATION, YOUTH AND CULTURE Council meeting. Brussels, 21 November 2008. 7 p.

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Rezolūcija par mūžilga karjeras atbalsta sekmīgāku iekļaušanu mūžizglītības stratēģijās. 2008. gada 21. novembris. 4 lpp.

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2.4. An action programme in the field of lifelong learning. Decision No 1720/2006/EC of the European Parliment and of the Council of 15 November 2006. Official Journal of European Union: L 327/45, 24.11.2006. 24 p.

An action programme in the field of lifelong learning. Decision No 1720/2006/EC of the European Parliment and of the Council of 15 November 2006. Official Journal of European Union: L 327/45, 24.11.2006. 24 p.

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Rīcības programma mūžizglītības jomā. Eiropas parlamenta un Padomes lēmums 2006/1720/EK 2006.gada 15.novembris. Eiropas Savienības oficiālais vēstnesis: L 327/45, 24.11.2006. 24 lpp.

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2.5. Proposal for recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on transnational mobility within the Community for education and training purposes: European Quality Charter for Mobility

Proposal for recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on transnational mobility within the Community for education and training purposes: European Quality Charter for Mobility. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities, 23.09.2005. 14 p.

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2.6. Establishing an integrated action programme in the field of lifelong learning

Establishing an integrated action programme in the field of lifelong learning. Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council. Brussels: Commission of European Communities, 14.07.2004. 83 p.

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2.7. Systems and Practices in the field of Guidance throughout life in Europe

Systems and Practices in the field of Guidance throughout life in Europe. Draft Resolution of the council and of the representatives of the Member States meeting within the Council on Strengthening Policies. Brussels: Council of the European Union, 18.05.2004. 10p.

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2.8. The New Generation of Community Education and Training Programmes After 2006

The New Generation of Community Education and Training Programmes After 2006.
Communication from the Commission. Brussels: European Commission, 09.03.2004. 22 p.

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2.9. Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality

Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality.
Communication from the Commission. Brussels: European Commission, 21.11.2001. 42 p.

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