Available courses

Šī gada nacionālajā karjeras atbalsta konference veltīta atskatam uz 20 gadu darbības rezultātiem Eiropas kontekstā un ieskatam nākotnes iecerēs.

Brīvpieejas resurss "Karjeras bibliotēka" paredzēts karjeras atbalsta jomas profesionāļiem kā palīgs viņu ikdienas darbā. Šajā e-resursā apkopoti visdažādākie karjeras atbalsta materiāli. Karjeras bibliotēkā sistematizēti un iekļauti:

Brīvpieejas tiešsaistes resurss "Karjeras bibliotēka" veidots Euroguidance programmas ietvaros.

Eiropas Savienības finansēts. Paustie viedokļi un uzskati atspoguļo autora(-u) personīgos uzskatus un ne vienmēr sakrīt ar Eiropas Savienības vai Eiropas Izglītības un Kultūras izpildaģentūras (EACEA) viedokli. Ne Eiropas Savienība, ne EACEA nenes atbildību par paustajiem uzskatiem.

Pašmācības e-materiāls paredzēts karjeras attīstības atbalsta speciālistiem, lai iepazīstinātu ar EUROPASS platformas piedāvātajām iespējām un atvieglotu darbu ar Europass portālu.

Materiāls veidots Euroguidance and Europass tīklu sadarbībā. Materiālā izmantots Europass reklāmas profils - Jānis Ozols.

Europass pašmācības materiāla izstrādātāju logo

2023. gada Nacionālā karjeras atbalsta konference tiek organizēta Eiropas Prasmju gada ietvaros. Konference dod iespēju karjeras atbalsta profesionāļiem pilnveidot savas zināšanas un prasmes, dalīties pieredzē, reflektēt par prasmju nozīmi Latvijas un Eiropas darba tirgū.

Eiropas Prasmju gada logo

The theme of “Hope in times of uncertainty” was chosen as a reflection of the need to support both clients and guidance practitioners in the context of the covid recovery period and the Russian aggression.

Seminar participants had the opportunity to participate in an introductory lecture and masterclass delivered online by the world-renowned founder of the Hope-Action Theory, professor emeritus of the University of British Columbia, Dr. Norman Amundson (Canada). At the workshops during CBS Riga 2022 seminar national experts presented a variety of methods, tools and approaches suitable for students, young people, adults, as well as those aimed at career guidance practitioners themselves. The workshops addressed various psychological and practical obstacles that hinder career planning and integration into studies or the labour market.

44th IAEVG International Conference proceedings and session recordings.

Objective: This course aims to provide basic training on international learning mobility for career guidance practitioners. Participants of the course are expected to have background knowledge and/or experience in career counselling.

Course load: The course load is expected to be of 12 hours, with optional additional reading material. Interactive exercises and tasks will have to be completed to successfully finish the course.

Expected outcome and added value: The participants will gain a better insight and understanding of various aspects of international learning mobility in the Nordic and Baltic countries by actual hands-on experience through interactive exercises and tasks among the participants of the course.

Resource library on mobility guidance.

This open resource is made available for professionals who give advice to pupils or students who potentially could benefit from a mobility experience or who are already considering or participating in learning mobility. The bulk of this resource is taken from the Nordic-Baltic online course material on mobility guidance. The material covers the following topics: (i) Why learning mobility, (ii) Mobility resources, (iii) Role of guidance in mobility, and (iv) Mobility for guidance practitioners. Information update is discontinued in 2022.