Site: | Euroguidance Latvia Academy |
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Date: | Thursday, 6 February 2025, 2:39 PM |
Šajā sadaļā apkopotas vadlīnijas karjeras attīstības atbalsta jomā. Vadlīnijas jeb rekomendācijas ir izstrādājušas dažādas karjeras atbalsta sistēmas izveidē iesaistītas organizācijas, piemēram OECD, CEDEFOP, u.c.
Table of contents
- 1.1. Lifelong guidance across Europe: reviewing policy progress and future prospect
- 1.2. Working and ageing. Guidance and counselling for mature learners
- 1.3. New Skills for New Jobs: Action Now
- 1.4. Career Guidance: A handbook for policy makers
- 1.5. Improving Lifelong Guidance policies and systems: Using common European reference tools
- 1.6. Multicultural Guidance and Counselling: Theoretical Foundations and Best Practises in Europe
- 1.7. A Network in Search for Sustainability. Evaluation of the Euroguidance Network (National Resource Centres for Vocational Guidance, NRCVG) During the Years 1998 – 2003
1.1. Lifelong guidance across Europe: reviewing policy progress and future prospect
Lifelong guidance across Europe: reviewing policy progress and future prospect, Cedefop, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2011, 128 pp.
"Mūžilgs karjeras atbalsts Eiropā: politikas attīstības un nākotnes perspektīvas pārskats", 2011.g., 128 lpp.
1.2. Working and ageing. Guidance and counselling for mature learners
Working and ageing. Guidance and counselling for mature learners, Cedefop, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Traininging, 2011, 290 pp.
"Nodarbinātība un novecošana. Karjeras atbalsts pieaugušajiem, kas mācās", 2011.g., 290 lpp.
1.3. New Skills for New Jobs: Action Now
New Skills for New Jobs: Action Now, European Commision, 2010. 36 p
1.4. Career Guidance: A handbook for policy makers
Career Guidance: A handbook for policy makers. OECD: European Communities, 2004. 79 p.
Tulkojums latviešu valodā: “Karjeras attīstības atbalsta sistēma: Rokasgrāmata politikas veidotājiem”
1.5. Improving Lifelong Guidance policies and systems: Using common European reference tools
Wannan, Jennifer and McCarthy, John (ed.). Improving Lifelong Guidance policies and systems: Using common European reference tools. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, June 2005. 44 p.