5. Workshop No 5 (Slovenia)

Time: November 8 (14:30-16:00)

"Managing career uncertainty and career transitions with Time perspective questionnaire"

Workshop Leaders: Julija Pirnat and Daša Babič 

Julija Pirnat MSc is a psychologist with Master of Science degree in Human resource management. She is working at Employment Service of Slovenia, where she has diverse work experience in the field of career guidance - she provides career counselling individually and in groups. She has several years of experience in the field of education, participates in the coordination and implementation of the Modular Training for Career Counsellors, and has obtained a certificate as an education trainer and coach. Currently, she is a project manager of National coordinating point for lifelong career guidance and career development. As part of the project, she participates in the planning, development and implementation of training in the field of Lifelong Career guidance and in the development of guidance tools. She is cooperating in the development of lifelong guidance as a member of National expert group for lifelong guidance and thereby contributing to greater competence of institutions operating in this field, which increases the accessibility of lifelong guidance services for individuals.

Daša Babič MSc is a psychologist. She has been working as a career counsellor for the past 14 years at Employment Service of Slovenia. As a career counsellor, she has been working with unemployed people and youth, individually and in groups. She has been coordinating work in Career centre in Maribor and work of in-depth counselling. For several years, she participated in the Educational Center project at the Employment Service of Slovenia, where she worked in the field of developing educational workshops for employees, implemented them and she has been also delivering trainings. Currently, she is content expert in a project National coordinating point for lifelong career guidance and career development, where she is organizing and delivering trainings for career counsellors, she is participating domestic and international conferences and seminars for dissemination good practices in a field of career guidance. She is working on developing career guidance tools and accessories for youngsters and unemployed.

Workshop Description: 

Individuals making career decisions are more than ever facing uncertainties, especially in career transitions. The client's perception of time (past, present and future) affects his/her thoughts, feelings and actions. The Time Perspective Questionnaire (P. Zimbardo) is a tool that helps us recognize that an individual has difficulty planning and implementing a career plan if he feels that he has no real influence on his life and future, or if the future seems uncertain and he is afraid of the future. How can improve our or someone else's time perspective if it is not optimal? We’ll present Time perspective theory, The Time Perspective Questionnaire, examples of clients results and some exercises and hints that can help you with reshaping time perspective that may not serve your clients best. Steps and activities to improve time perspective – working in small groups.

Workshop presentation (pdf)

Article on workshop (pdf)