CBS RIGA 2022 Compendium of National Surveys
Download CBS RIGA 2022 Compendium of National Surveys (pdf)
Euroguidance CROSS BORDER SEMINAR “Hope in times of uncertainty” was held in Riga, Latvia from November 7-9, 2022.
It was a privilege for Euroguidance Latvia to host its first Cross Border Seminar, which was also its first major international event with a dominant on-site presence after the Covid restrictions. Career guidance practitioners from ten countries, including Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia shared their experience in application of various career guidance tools in a total of 16 workshops.
The theme of “Hope in times of uncertainty” was chosen as a reflection of the need to support both clients and guidance practitioners in the context of the covid recovery period and the Russian aggression. Prior to the seminar two main questions were addressed in national surveys submitted by CBS group members to the host country: (i) factors causing uncertainty in individuals making career decisions and (ii) approaches for helping clients deal with uncertainty and for career practitioners to manage stress.
Seminar participants had the
opportunity to participate in an introductory lecture and masterclass
delivered online by the world-renowned founder of the Hope-Action Theory,
professor emeritus of the University of British Columbia, Dr. Norman Amundson
At the workshops during CBS Riga 2022 seminar national experts presented a
variety of methods, tools and approaches suitable for students, young people,
adults, as well as those aimed at career guidance practitioners themselves. The
workshops addressed various psychological and practical obstacles that hinder
career planning and integration into studies or the labour market.
Workshop leaders presented techniques for strengthening psychological
resilience, confidence building and developing trust in one’s abilities and
capabilities for both clients and guidance practitioners. Decision-making and
problem-solving skills were also improved and the issue of how to encourage
individuals not to be afraid of the unknown was addressed, as well as how to
involve and motivate cooperation partners in providing career guidance support.
Participants also had opportunities to network during the event and share their
professional experience with colleagues from other countries.
The current compendium comprises national contributions of what approaches are used in different countries when working with individuals and groups to help them to manage uncertainty and increase their hopefulness in the context of career planning and decision-making.
More information about CBS RIGA 2022 can be found hereFunded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
7. National survey: Slovakia
Cross Border Seminar "Hope in times of uncertainty"
National survey: Slovakia
(by Euroguidance Slovakia)
Factors causing uncertainty for individuals making career decisions
Within the last few pandemic years uncertainty has been an integral part of our daily lives. Furthermore it was a driving force behind significant changes within the labour market including an influence on career counseling. A changing work environment, changes in the flexibility approach and work culture endorsed by the Slovak government, ongoing digitalization across many sectors from economy to education are just a few reasons for clients to feel uncertain.
Changes are ongoing and still ever evolving within the private and public sector. Digitalization brings great opportunities, yet at this point it is not clear which direction the market will go. Recently, we have also witnessed reconceptualisation of how careers are perceived across different generations. The younger generation, inspired by work flexibility in the IT sector, is considering nonlinear career paths more often, yet their career management skills and career ownership still need to be developed. An important aspect for individuals to make informed career decisions seems to be influenced also by data showing gaps between education system and labour market needs.
Even though the ongoing curriculum reform includes a goal for the educational system to reflect changes on the labour market related to digitalization, automation, globalization of society and markets, the whole system transformation including career guidance is still in progress. The expected start date of implementation is January 1st 2023.
Additionally, it should be stressed that recent geopolitical events on Slovakia's eastern border are an important source of uncertainty across all age groups and occupations.
Despite ongoing changes in the work environment, the research and evidence base on their impact on career guidance and career paths of citizens is limited.
Approaches for helping clients deal with uncertainty and for helping career practitioners manage stress
New approaches to managing clients’ uncertainty during the career planning process were introduced by new training programmes provided by the Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology (a public research agency) for teaching staff at schools and school facilities. These trainings are based on a holistic approach, multidisciplinarity and methods of experiential learning. They include training in new approaches which reflect the change in the overall paradigm of career guidance provision - from psychodiagnostics to employment of innovative (coaching) techniques, development of career management skills and self-exploration.
Information included below is based on interviews with practitioners of career guidance working mostly with teenagers, young adults and university students. It is also worth noting that the sessions more often than not include clients’ parents.
It appears we may distinguish two main views: from a long term perspective uncertainty is related mostly to sector changes hence to career counselors and employers, short term uncertainty is more related to career decisions and therefore to clients themselves. A narrative where from time to time clients question their priorities or career path is not only normal, it may also be helpful when followed by reflection. Each client and their work situation is unique, hence approaches should be adjusted to the specific client’s expectations. Mapping their current needs (and when applicable also parents’ expectations) should be an integral part of any cooperation.
Career counseling sessions should offer a safe place where clients are able to name their expectations and feelings attached to career path exploration. Then, it is important to support the individual and meet them where they are. Try to normalize whatever emotions the person brings with them - the situation is new, it makes sense that the client can feel uncertain about paths, choices, jobs and many other aspects. Whenever a client is stressed, we focus on some grounding techniques to reduce tension first. Then we focus on mapping skills, experience, and knowledge that the person already possesses. We think with clients about steps (remedies) that could help them in the current situation (brainstorming). It is crucial to strengthen the client’s trust in their ability to make informed decisions, to manage their career and to choose based on their individual priorities.
It is a good idea to finish the session with a personalized action plan or call to action. It may be a question: what would be the smallest step you can make today to get closer to your goal by the end of today? Additionally, it is useful to share information, resources, books or links that clients can follow up with.