3. International Guidance Networks

Module 4-3 imageThere are several international networks available for professional development of guidance counsellors.

The International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance

The International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) provides global leadership in and advocates for guidance by promoting ethical, socially just, and best practices throughout the world so that educational and vocational guidance and counselling is available to all citizens from competent and qualified practitioners. IAEVG organizes international conferences and webinars. It also publishes the International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.


CareersNet is a network established by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, also known as Cedefop. The members of CareersNet are independent experts in the area of lifelong guidance and career development. They are selected based on a call for experts, subject to an evaluation process and are nominated by Cedefop’s management. The work of CareersNet involves collecting data on policies and practices in career guidance to support transfer of good practices, creation of Cedefop's guidance tools, and development of national policies.

The Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe

The Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe (the NICE network) organizes summer schools for PhD students called ECADOC as well as autumn training workshops called “NICE Academy” which might be of interest to those who study, carry out research, as well as for practitioners.

VALA network

The Nordplus funded VALA is a network of higher education institutions, in the Nordic and Baltic countries and focuses on academic training in the field of lifelong guidance. Partner institutions have established the network to be able to better prepare career counsellors and guidance workers for the diverse clients they work with. The broad aim of the network is to increase professionalization and strengthen co-operation between higher education institutions and the labour market, and between research, practice and policy. The VALA network also organizes a summer school for guidance practitioners on various themes.
